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CQC to improve how inspectors’ reports are written

The Care Quality Commission has announced that, from the 28 January, they will be rolling out improvements to their inspection report template and writing processes. The CQC states that these improvements are the result of collaboration and testing with providers and inspectors.

Key changes are expected to include clearer formatting and using headings and bullet points to make reports easier for people to read. The CQC states that it will also endeavour to contact providers two days after it receives the draft report to discuss how inspectors arrived at their judgements.

Debbie Westhead, Interim Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, states that during piloting of the changes, providers found it easier to understand how judgements were arrived at. The new style reports and feedback also helped clarify issues or concerns, or celebrate outstanding care. As a result, some challenges that might previously have been made were avoided, allowing the inspection reports to be published more quickly.

All reports for inspections carried out from 1 March will be written using the new template and process.

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