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Fairer funding: the next steps

Author: Suzanne O’Connell

It’s been a long time in the pipeline but on 14th September 2017 Justine Greening announced the DfE’s plans to change the funding system.

Most people agree that change is needed. The problem is that there are inevitably winners and losers.

There has been plenty of consultation since 2016 and schools have been given some idea whether they are set to lose or gain. There will be a basic level of funding with, in 2019-20, all secondary schools receiving at least £4,800 per pupil and all primary schools at least £3,500.

Funding green piggy bank on top of calculator

There is a great deal of figure-quoting surrounding the announcement. Of course, the government is keen to demonstrate that overall, school funding will increase whilst the unions are adamant that it’s a case of shifting around a small pot rather than making it any bigger.

The funding will still not go straight to schools, a move that has disappointed the NAHT which has campaigned for this. However, schools will be clear about what money has been allocated to them even if it must still pass via the LA. On a positive note, the funding floor has been increased to at least 0.5% per pupil in 2018-19 and at least 1% per pupil in 2019-20, a victory championed by the NAHT.

Click here to read Justine Greening’s statement on national funding formula. You can also click here to view the national funding formula tables for schools and high needs.

About the author:

Dr. Suzanne O’Connell is a freelance writer specialising in education. Prior to this she taught for 23 years and was a headteacher of a junior school in Nuneaton for 11 years.

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